Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School

Here is my obligatory picture of my kitchen table. Because stay at home moms seem to post pictures of their kitchen tables on their blogs every once and a while. At least according to the homemaking/simple living blogs I have been reading.

I post this because today I acknowledge that I am indeed a stay at home mom. It's the first day of school at the university I used to teach at and I'm not teaching there. I am not currently teaching anywhere. I am not traditionally employed. I am however taking care of our kid, our dogs and our house and that was stuff we used to pay people to help us with so that is currently my job. I am my own personal assistant. Or, in our society, a stay at home mom.

I moved to Suburbia without a plan. I have been bringing home a paycheck since I was 15. I have always had a plan. I learned in my twenties to keep that plan open and fluid, but still I had one, a path to follow and possibly diverge from. And when I diverged, it was a clear zig or zag. This is the scariest thing I have ever done.

I am putting my money where my mouth is- I talk about listening, about being open to what the universe brings you. And now I am doing it. Do I want to teach? Or act? Or direct? Or write? Or start coaching again? Or be a stay at home mom? Yes. Yes to all of it.

There is no plan for "all of the above". So I sit at the above kitchen table and listen. I will watch. I will read. I will learn about "all of the above". I will live each moment. I will see family and old friends. I will make a home. I will be proactive. I will be ready. I will sit at the front of this strange new class. And I will wait.


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