How's your Garden, SPJ? SO GLAD YOU ASKED! Look!!
Front garden has lavender, roses, salvia, lettuce, hot peppers and summer squash thriving. Had a killer radish harvest (fairly sure using "killer" in reference to a radish harvest is not what the coiners of that phrase had in mind). The carrots and onions remain to be seen. Spinach was my big bust.
back, a tomato plant that is thriving, a green pepper plant that is on
life support and corn. Yep. corn. How can I call myself a wannabe
homesteader if I don't try corn. Dogs and child keep running it over.
Don't they recognize a crop when they see one! This yard isn't just for
fun and games, ya know!
And the big winner? WEEDS. And not the fun kind. At least once I day I contemplate if all those chemicals in the weed killer are really so bad for my kid and dogs. Come on! How bad can they be? Grrr. Back to weeding. And not the fun kind.